Capture Slide Muhammad Azwar Explain about 13 References Can Used for Scientific Work |
In a scientific seminar held by the IAIN Padangsidimpuan Library with the resource person, Muhammad Azwar, S.Pd.I, M.Hum, who is the Head of Library Affairs at UIN Syarif Hidayatutullah Jakarta. Mention a quite interesting term, namely “baboon book”. In the writer’s mind, what is this baboon book? So it turns out that after seeing the Indonesian dictionary, the book baboon is
This term is commonly referred to in thesis writing, scientific papers, and theses and dissertations. In fact, every scientific writing must have a main book or main reference in scientific work. This reference is what makes scientific writing quality and worthy of being used as a scientific work.
There are many kinds of baboon books or main books that are used as references. However, it is not only limited to books that can be used as a reference. The following is a list of reference documents that can be used in writing scientific papers.
1. Book
Books are the most popular references for scientific work. Following the development of book technology today, there are two types, namely e-books and ordinary books or printed books. This is certainly the best source for writing scientific papers.
2. Book chapter or Book Section:
Sometimes we find only pieces of books that we come across or a website or web platform provides this as a reference. This can be used as a reference in writing scientific papers.
3. Journal Articles
Many lecturers write articles every semester, each college, institution, or agency has journal publications. To see various scientific works, it can be accessed through the relevant agency’s publication web. Some index these journals such as Moraref of the Ministry of Religion, Garuda Ristek Dikti, as well as various indexing journals.
4. Proceedings of the article
This article is a paper that has been seminar by various experts who participated in the activity. Proceedings are a collection of academic papers published from academic seminars or conferences. The proceedings contain the results of the researchers’ thoughts that have been seminars and have been published at both the national and international levels.
5. Newspaper Articles
These newspaper articles are called news, opinions, features, or more definitively, they are factual articles published in newspapers or online media that own mass media companies. Newspapers if used as references for scientific works should be newspapers from trusted mass media and under the auspices of the press council. In line with the development of newspaper technology today, it has turned to online media, although it cannot be separated from offline media such as newspapers. It is appropriate to use newspapers as scientific references as a companion and reinforcement of the author’s statements or ideas in the media.
6. Magazine articles
As with newspapers, magazines have various types and subjects. Articles in magazines are for entertainment, general information, advertisements, endorsement, or advertisements, and some are scientific in nature. For those who wish to use it as a reference, the magazine must be validated, such as having an ISBN or ISSN. The writing in this magazine must be examined whether it is popular or scientific in nature and by looking at the capacity of the writers of the articles in the magazine.
7. Thesis (Thesis, Thesis, Dissertation)
This thesis, thesis, and dissertation should be a valid scientific paper. This is because it comes from research conducted by a student as a prerequisite for achieving a bachelor’s degree. So usually the facts in this research are as a reference in scientific development. Usually, people who want to research will look for other researchers whether there are similarities or differences with previous research. Yes, of course, he will look for references from the thesis, thesis, or dissertation. This is so that the research is not considered plagiarism.
8. Patents
According to Wikipedia, this patent is an exclusive right granted by the state to an inventor for his invention in the field of technology. Recently, patents have not only come from the field of technology but have penetrated into various fields of a technical nature. With this patent, the inventor can carry out his invention or give his consent to other parties which can be used in various applications. Patents are a form of protection of Intellectual Property Rights for intellectual works of a technological nature, also known as inventions, and contain technical solutions to problems that exist in pre-existing technology. So to make this a reference source in scientific work is certainly very good because it has been recognized by the state.
9. Law
Regulations come from the government, the people’s representative council that has been written and passed. This law does not only cover the constitution of the law, but also government regulations, presidential regulations, regional regulations, decrees from the government, and various regulations that are formal in nature. This can be used as a reference either as the main source or as a source of support.
10. Dictionary entries
This dictionary is certainly the most popular reference in solving the etymological problem of a term in research. Through a dictionary, of course, a writer must be able to provide an understanding for the reader about the terms used in his writing. As with scientific articles, of course, the use of this dictionary is the first step in explaining the ideas and ideas in his writing.
11. Website
This website is an online media based on text, audio, video, or better known as multimedia. Many things must be considered in using the website as a reference. Where we must pay attention to the domain used on the website. Many websites are scattered, the first step to look at is the website domain. Second, the author on the website. Third, the content that is written is whether the article is scientific in nature, or not. Fourth, references in the writing of the website, as well as the fifth, we must also pay attention to the orientation or generalization of the website for what it is. This can be seen from the website layout and the sitemap of the website.
12. Blog Post
This blog post is someone’s personal website in carrying out personal branding. Like lecturers, researchers, freelancers, and also various other professions. The first thing that must be considered in making references to content published on blog posts is the website domain. This domain should be an important iconic branding. As well as blogs, lecturers at several universities have referred to the campus subdomain with the category of lecturers or lectures. Next, is the author of this blog post who? … The capacity of the author of this blog post is very important. For example, for example, Dr. Anhar, MA, from one of the lecturers’ blog posts at IAIN Padangsidimpuan with the domain address This blog post contains many thoughts from Mr. Anhar as one of the educators at IAIN Padangsidimpuan. So it deserves to be used as a reference for students. But according to the author’s opinion, this reference should be strengthened again by a published scientific book or journal.
13. Manuscripts
A manuscript is a handwritten text that has been written by ancient people which is still in existence today. This writing can be in the form of ancient languages, languages that are difficult to understand, as well as languages that are not common today because they were common in the past. If seen in language the manuscript consists of two words, namely manuscript, which if translated is handwritten. We can find manuscripts in various museums or maybe in libraries.
These are maybe 13 documents that are used as references in writing scientific papers. Maybe the readers have found that apart from these 13 documents, please write in the comments column and don’t forget to click the Follow button to subscribe to the article.